Vattasseril Geevarghese Mar Dionysius
Mar Dionysius VI was the architect of the independent
status and freedom of the Malankara Church. Though he did
not accept the status of Catholicos, he was the greatest Church
dignitary that the Malankara church ever produced in its
chequered history. He is known as "Sabaha Bhasuran" or the
Illuminator of the Church. He led the Church as its chief
pastor for many years, without sacrificing principles, and even
faced situations where his very life was at risk. Mar Dionysius
is mainly responsible for the establishment of the Catholicate
in Malankara.
The Assembly of parish representatives meeting at the
Old Seminary on 27th February 1908, elected Vattasseril
Geevarghese Malpan as the successor to Mar Dionysius V, as
Malankara Metropolitan. He was sent to the Patriarch, and was
consecrated as Mar Dionysius Metropolitan by Patriarch Abdulla
on 31st of May 1908. In 1909, following the demise of Joseph
Mar Dionysius, Vattasseril Mar Dionysius was installed as
Malankara Metropolitan. His life and work - a constant struggle
deserve to be inscribed in golden letters in the annals of
Malankara Church. He was not ready to surrender the freedom
the Church, which was its birthright, before anybody. He
was unreasonably and unlawfully excommunicated by Patriarch
Abdulla in 1911, as he refused to support the Patriarch
whose greed had overtaken his good sense. But it must be
noted to the credit of Mar Dionysius that the large majority
of priests and the laity in the Malankara Church stood firmly
behind him; who decided that never again should Patriarchs
be given an opportunity to interfere unnecessarily in the affairs
of the Malankara Church. He did everything possible at that
time to achieve this end; and the result was the establishment
of Catholicate in Malankara in 1912. Malankara Church is
indebted to this gem of a high priest for undertaking this
herculean task. Further, Mar Dionysius himself took the
initiative to install the second and third incumbents to the
throne of the Catholicate.
The second great achievement of Mar Dionysius for
which he shall be ever remembered is his leading and primary
role in framing the constitution and a system of administration
for the church. Mar Dionycius who was convinced that a
systematic constitution and a system of administration was
necessary for the church constituted a committee of experts
to frame a constitution for the Church. He himself framed a
draft for the said constitution. At a time when there were some
divisions in the Church Mar Dionysius was ready to make any
sacrifice on his part for the sake of peace in the Church. At
the same time he was not ready to surrender the inborn
freedom of the Church to anybody.
The unusual courage, rare vision, sincerity, and glittering
personality of Mar Dionysius shall be well remembered by
Malankara Church with gratitude, as long as the Church shall
be. The momentous and eventful life of Mar Dionysius came
to an end on 23rd February 1934. His mortal remains were
interred the next day at the Old Seminary Chapel.
Baselios Paulose I (1912 - 1913)
He was the first Catholicos in Malankara, and was born
at Kolenchery in Ernakulam District in 1836. After his secular
and priestly education, he was servicing as a priest at
Kolenchery Church, when he was consecrated by Patriarch
Peter as Metropolitan Mar Ivanios on May 17, 1877. He was
posted as Metropolitan of Kandanad Diocese.
When Malankara Metropolitan Mar Dionysius and the
Church leaders requested Mar Ivanios to accept the position
as the first Catholicos in Malankara, he bowed to it. Accordingly he was installed as the Catholicos of the East by the
Episcopal Synod with the co-operation of Patriarch Abdul
Messiah on 15th September, 1912.
Five months after (1913 Feb. 9th) the installation of the
Catholicos, the Catholicos, Patriarch and bishops in Malankara
joined together and consecrated two metropolitans:-
Geevarghese Mar Philoxenos and Yuyakim Mar Ivanios.
The first Catholicos died at Pampakuda Cheriapalli on
2nd May 1913 and was buried in the same Church the next
Baselios Geevarghese I (1925 - 1928)
Following the demise of the first Catholicos, a successor
was not immediately installed. This delay was due to many
circumstantial reasons. Litigations were going on, there was
also a thinking that the Patriarch Party need not be provoked
too soon again. Besides there were apprehensions as to the
repercussions if a Catholicos is installed without the presence
of the Patriarch. This tense situation was resolutely faced by
Vatasseril Mar Dionysius. In 1925, he with the assistance of
the episcopal synod installed the second Catholicos. Through
this daring act, he proclaimed the independence or individuality and autocephalous status of the Malankara Church.
On 30th April 1925, the Metropolitan of Kottayam
Diocese, Geevarghese Mar Philoxenos was elevated as Catholicos
at the Niranam Church. The following day the new Catholicos
consecrated Fr. P.T. Geevarghese as bishop Mar Ivanios at
Niranam Church.
Catholicos Geevarghese I passed away following a surgery on 17th December 1928 and was interred at Vallikattu
Dayara Vakathanam, near Kottayam.
Baselios Geevarghese II (1931-1964)
The Malankara Church Synod, consisting of Vattasseril
Mar Dionysius and Mar Ivanios of Bethany installed Kallasseril
Mar Gregorios (the then Metropolitan of Kollam, Thumpamon
and Niranom) as the third Catholicos of the East with the title
Baselios Geevarghese II. On the day following the installation,
new Catholicos consecrated two metropolitans:- Kuriakose
Mar Gregorios (Pampady) for the Kottayam Diocese and Mar
Theophilos (who later on joined the Roman Church) in 1931.
The Malankara Metropolitan, Vattasseril Mar Dionysius passed
on February 23, 1934.
Catholicos Geevarghese II had a great desire to establish
peace in the Church by bringing a rapproachment with the Patriarch.
With this intent, the Catholicos, along with a delegation
went over to Holmes in Syria and held discussions with
the Patriarch. But the Patriarch was desirous of having
authority over the Malankara Church. The Catholicos on his
part was not ready to sacrifice the independence of his Church.
Thus this trip to Syria undertaken by the Catholicos did
not yield the desired results. After his return to Kerala,
preparations were made for a meeting of the Malankara Association
which is the parliament of the Church. In the absence of
the Malankara Metropolitan, notice for the meeting was
issued by the other Metropolitans and the members of
the Managing Committee. The notice was sent to all the
parish Churches in Malankara. The Association meeting
at MD Seminary Kottayam in 1934 accepted the constitution
of the Church. Till then there was no clear and definite
constitution for the Church. The need for a constitution was
long felt and preparations were on to codify it. Vattasseril Mar
Dionysius had appointed a Committee to go into it. The
Church constitution passed in 1934 was prepared by this
Committee. It was a landmark in the history of the Malankara
Church. The 1934 Malankara Association elected Catholicos
Geevarghese II as Malankara Metropolitan also. Thus the two
ecclesiastical positions - Catholicos and Malankara Metropolitan, wielding the spiritual, temporal and ecclesiastical authority
in Malankara synchronised in the same parson.
In order to replenish the financial position of the Church,
a Church Welfare Fund called "Catholicate Fund" was inaugurated. Every year the 6th Sunday in the Great Lent was
declared as the Catholicate Day and the collections from parish
churches towards this fund was to be made on that day every
The Catholicos led the Malankara Church delegation to
the Faith and Order Commission at Edinburgh in 1937. The
Catholicos was given the place of honour among all the Church
leaders, both of the East and the West and the western media
gave adequate coverage to this visit of the Head of the
Malankara Church to the West.
Catholicate Palace, Devalokam
It was during the reign of Catholicos Geevarghese II that
the new head quarters of the Catholicate was acquired at
Devalokam, Kottayam. Mr. K.C. Mammen Mappillai and other
church leaders took the initiative for purchasing the 7-acre
Devalokam property. Before long, the Catholicos shifted his
residence to Devalokam and a chapel was constructed there,
which was dedicated to St. Mary.
On 15th May 1953, the Catholicos consecrated five
Metropolitans at Mar Elia Cathedral, Kottayam. The new
Metropolitans were Mathews Mar Ivanios, Pathrose Mar
Osthathios, Mathews Mar Athanasios, Daniel Mar Philoxenos
and Mathews Mar Coorilos.
Church Case
The Church case which was there from the turn of the
20th century continued through the years in different forms.
Patriarch was not willing to recognize the institution of
Catholicate, the Catholicos and Malankara Metropolitan. He
argued that the Patriarch was the sole spiritual and temporal
authority over the Malankara Church. The Patriarch party filed
a case against the Catholicate and the Church Trustees in 1938
in the Kottayam District court. Considering the special nature
of the case known as the Church Case, the government
appointed a special court to hear it.
The following points were considered by the court:
Is the Malankara Association meeting held at M.D.
Seminary, Kottayam in 1934, which elected the Catholicos
as Malankara Metropolitan valid?
Is the election of the Catholicos as Malankara Metropolitan valid?
Is the constitution passed by this Association valid?
Is the Malankara Association meeting convened by the
party of Karingachira in 1935 and its proceedings valid?
Examining the witnesses and relevant documents
the court gave its judgement in 1943 in favour
Catholicos. On this judgement the Patriarch faction filed
in the High Court and the High Court verdict which
was pronounced in 1946 was in favour of the Patriarch group.
Catholicos group appealed for a review of this judgement.
But the review of petition was dismissed in 1951. However
permission was granted to submit special leave petition (SLP)
in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court in 1954 stayed the
High Court judgement after admitting the special leave
The case came before a 5 member constitution bench.
After hearing the arguments of the plaintiffs and respondents,
the Supreme Court, on September 12, 1958 pronounced its
verdict in favour of the Catholicos. The court accepting the
arguments of the Catholicos declared that the 1934 M.D.
Seminary Association and its decisions were valid and the
Patriarch party was directed to bear the costs of the litigation
borne by the Catholicos (plaintiff). This landmark judgment
put an end to the long and dragging litigation in the church
and firmly established the authority of the Catholicate. It was
the final victory of the Catholicate.
Following the Supreme Court verdict, the Catholicos sent
Kalpanas to all the parish churches in Malankara pointing out
that the judgement shall be seen as a means for the unification
of the two factions in the church, and that everybody should
strive for peace. On the basis of this, moves were on for
establishing peace in the Church. The bishops in the Patriarch
faction who had lost all power, authority and legitimacy came
forward to accept the authority of the Catholicos and establish
peace unconditionally.
Finally on 16th of December 1958, the Catholicos and the
representatives of the Patriarch exchanged documents accepting each other at the old seminary chapel and thus the church
once again became in unity.
The letter of the Patriarch read like this:
For the purpose of establishing peace in The Malankara
we accept Mar Baselios Geevarghese II as Catholicos.
The Patriarch thus accepted the Catholicos unconditionally.
The letter of the Catholicos which was handed over
to Metropolitan Mar Julius was a carefully prepared one:
For the sake of peace in the Church, we are pleased
to accept Moran Mar Ignatius Yakoob III as Patriarch of
Antioch, subject to the constitution of the Church, passed
by the Malankara Syrian Christian Association and which
is in force we are also happy to accept the
Metropolitans under him in Malankara, subject to the
provisions of the said constitution.
After the exchange of Kalpanas, the bishops of both sides,
Mar Julius and the Catholicos accepted each other through a
prayer of peace, in the presence of a large crowd of people.
An Association meeting of the united Church assembled
Puthancavu Church on 26th December 1958. People from
erstwhile rival factions assembled there and confirmed the
peace established in the church. However a few people who
not happy with peace in the Church started planning
undermine the unity in the Church. Within a few weeks an
called the "Antiochan Movement" was floated by
one of the erstwhile bishop in the Patriarch faction
Paulose Mar Philoxenos, who had documented his allegiance to
Catholicos along with others, but later became restive about
submitting to the Catholicos. Before long he started supporting
Antiochan Movement and the restlessness soon spread to
the dioceses in North Kerala.
As the Catholicos was pretty old and ailing, notice was
issued for a meeting of the Malankara Association on 4th April
1961 at the M.D. Seminary. 'The Antiochan Movement' moved
the court and the court passed a stay order against the
of the Association. The Catholicos appealed against
this in the High Court, which cancelled the order of the lower
court. Thus the Association assembled at Niranam Church on
17th May 1962 and elected Metropolitan Augen Mar Thimotheos
as the successor to the Catholicos and Malankara Metropolitan.
After leading the Church for 35 years as its supreme
head, Catholicos Geevarghese II passed away on Friday, 3rd
January 1964, and was interred at the Catholicate Aramana
Chapel at Devalokam.
Baselios Augen I (1964-1975)
He was born at Vengola near Perumbavur in Ernakulam
District. In 1905, as Deacon Mathai, he visited Syria and Turkey
and became a Ramban (Monk) even while being a deacon and
accepted the name Augen. In the Syrian Church a Ramban
need not be a priest; even a deacon may be professed as
After a few years Ramban Augen returned to India and
he stood firmly with the Patriarch faction. In October 1926
Kandanad Diocesan Assembly of the Patriarch group elected
him to be a bishop and sent them to the Patriarch to get him
consecrated. Patriarch Elias Ill consecrated him as bishop on
15th May 1927 and gave him the title Mar Thimotheos. After
his return to India Mar Thimotheos became the Metropolitan
of Kandanad Diocese of the Patriarch faction. However Mar
Thimotheos increasingly got convinced about the independence of the Malankara Church and the genuine claims of the
Catholicate; and in 1942 along with the majority of priests and
laity in the Kandanad Diocese, he left the Patriarch fold and
declared his allegiance to the Catholicos. In 1958, after the
unification in the Church, Mar Thimotheos was given charge
of the united Kandanad Diocese. He was elected as successor
to the Catholicos in 1962 at the Niranam Association. The
Episcopal synod decided to invite the Patriarch for the
installation of the Catholicos, as per the Church Constitution,
in the light of the unification in 1958. Accordingly the Patriarch
came to India and co-operated with the Malankara Synod in
installing Baselios Augen I as Catholicos. This took place on
22nd May 1964. In the general atmosphere of peace all the
Dioceses and Metropolitans accepted Catholicos Augen I.
On an invitation from Pope Paul VI, Catholicos Augen
visited the Pope at Bombay in 1964. The Pope was there in
connection with the Eucharistic Congress. This was the first
meeting between a Roman Pope and the Catholicos of the East.
An Assembly of the Oriental Orthodox Churches was
at Addis Abbaba in Ethiopia in January 1965. Coptic,
Ethiopean, Armenian, Syrian and Indian (Malankara) Orthodox
churches constitute the oriental orthodox family. The Malankara
delegation to this Assembly was led by the Catholicos.
On 24th August 1966 Catholicos consecrated three metropolitans
Philipose Mar Theophilos, Yuhanon Mar Severios
and Thomas Mar Thimotheos. (The 1965 Malankara Association had elected five priests to the bishopric, but the Episcopal
had confirmed only three)
The new blocks in the Theological Seminary were dedicated
in 1967 by the Catholicos. The Romanian Patriarch
along with a delegation was present at the function.
Catholicos Augen I consecrated Holy Mooron on 21
December 1967 at the Old Seminary, Kottayarn.
On December 31, 1970, the Malankara Association meeting
M. D. Seminary elected Metropolitan Mathews Mar Athanasios
successor to the Catholicos and Malankara Metropolitan.
The former Patriarch faction enthusiasts tried to stall the
Association through a petition in the Court. However the court
did not interfere in the matter.
Once again there were signs of the dark clouds of
factionalism appearing in the church. Matters took a bad turn
with an unfortunate letter written by the Patriarch to the
Catholicos in 1970. Among other things the letter said:
...A long time before your letter I saw another letter
heading 'Throne of St. Thomas' and was really
surprised at that. Since the establishment of the Catholicate
in the 4th century none of the Catholicoses or Maphrians have
used this title. Secondly St. Thomas has not founded any
throne which may be termed as 'Throne of St. Thomas'. As
is evident from St. John's Gospel (20:21-24) he was not a priest.
How can he be a high priest without being a priest? How can
he establish a throne without being a high priest? Therefore
no ancient historian ever says that he ever ordained anybody
as bishop or founded a throne of Catholicos.
Copies of this letter was sent to many others in Malankara.
The Malankara Church received this letter with much sorrow,
since the letter denied the highpriesthood of St. Thomas and
the existence of the Catholicate. The Malankara Synod considered and discussed this letter in detail and the Catholicos
replied to it. The reply contained the following points:-
received Your Holiness' letter of 27-6-70 The contents
of this letter were disclosed to our Metropolitans and some
important priests. All of them were surprised and sorry for
its contents. Your Holiness' letter relating to the priesthood of
St. Thomas, apostolic Throne, the authority of the Catholicate
is seen as against truth, history and the faith of the Church,
by everybody here. Therefore everybody here is of the opinion
that these are never acceptable and that thy should be opposed
The relatively peaceful atmosphere in the Church was
rudely and violently disturbed by the letter of the Patriarch.
At this time Ramban Aphrem Abudi - A Syrian national - was
staying at Manjinikkara. The Patriarch decided to consecrate
this Ramban as bishop and appoint him as his delegate to
Malankara. The Malankara Synod took a serious view of this
and protested against this wrong move of the Patriarch. But,
disregarding the Synod's decision, the Patriarch sent bishop
Abudi Themotheos as his 'delegate' to Malankara and requested the Catholicos to accept him as such. The Catholicos
disapproved of this, and the Synod's directive that the
delegate should not be received in any parish in Malankara
was sent to all the parish churches. However some parishes
people against the Catholicos and the institution of the
Catholicate. This led to unrest and mutiny. Therefore some
members of Malankara Church petitioned the Union Government
to cancel the visa of bishop Abudi and deport him. On
the basis of this, the Govt. of India cancelled his visa and he
had to leave the country in July 1973. He tried to move the
court against the deportation order, but the court did not come
his rescue.
The old Patriarch party was much disillusioned by the
deportation of bishop Abudi. The Patriarch planned to manipulate
the disappointment of the faction to his advantage. He
came forward to ordain a few priests of Malankara as bishops,
throwing to the winds the constitution of the Malankara
Church, the Catholicate as the authority of the Church Management Committee
and Association.
First, Kadavil Paul Ramban was called to Damascus and
ordained as bishop Athanasios. This unauthorised bishop
was barred by the Court from entering Malankara churches,
on a petition from the Catholicos and the Catholicos designate.
Soon two other priests - Fr. Geevarghese and Fr. Thomas - secretly
went to the Patriarch and got themselves ordained as bishops
- Mar Gregorios and Mar Dionysius. These two also were
barred by the court.
situation looked like that of a proxy war being
fought in Malankara by the Patriarch. His supporters seemed
organize a parallel church within the Church. Hence the
Malankara Church once again dicided to seek refuge in the
cour. The Catholicos and the Catholicos designate filed a case
in the Kottayam District Court in 1974 with prayers to declare
the following:-
the bishops ordained by the Patriarch should not be
allowed to enter the parish churches and interfere in
the administration that the 1064 parish churches and
their assets belong
to the Catholicate and their administration is vested
in the lawfully installed Catholicos cum Malankara
Metropolitan and the Episcopal Synod of which the
Catholicos is the president.
The court admitted the petition and gave an interim
order preventing the bishops ordained by the Patriarch from
entering the parish churches in Malankara.
The case passed through the District Court, Special Court
and the High Court and reached the Supreme court. On 20th
June 1995, the Supreme Court gave its judgement, mostly
adhering to the 1958 judgement. Thus the authority of the
Catholicate and the Church constitution was confirmed once
By 1974, the division in thc Church had become a reality.
The Catholicose and the Patriarch excommunicated each other
and expelled each other from the Church. The Malankara
Synod expelled Abraham Mar Clemis and Paulose Mar
Phelexinos from the Church on 22nd May 1975. The expelled
Mar Philoxenos was called to Damascus by the Patriarch and
was installed as Catholicos on 7th September 1975, with this
uncanonical step by the Patriarch the split in the Church
became complete.
The Malankara Association meeting af Niranam Church
on 2nd October 1974 condemned the unauthorized interferences of the Patriarch. The meeting elected five priests of the
Church to be bishops and also elected the members of the
Managing Committee. The bishop-elects were consecrated at
Niranam on 16th February 1975. They were Mar Osthathios,
Mar Gregorios, Mar Makarios, Mar Thodosius and Mar
Catholicos Augen I retired from his position as he was
getting too old, and the successor - Baselios Mar Thoma
Mathews I was installed as Catholicos by the Episcopal synod
on 27th October 1975 at the Old Seminary, Kottayam.
Augen Catholicos passed away at the age of 91 on 8th
December 1975 and was interred at the Catholicate Chapel
Baselios Mar Thoma Mathews I (1975-1991)
The Malankara Association held at M.D. Seminary
Kottayam on 31st December 1970 had elected metropolitan
Mathews Mar Athanasios as the successor to the Catholicos
and Malankara Metropolitan. The Malankara Synod installed
new Catholicos on 27th October 1975 at Old Seminary
Kottayam with the title Baselios Mar Thoma Mathews I.
During the reign of this Catholicos, there was phenomenal
development of the Church as a whole as well as the
dioceses. He travelled extensively and visited the Pope in
Rome. When the Pope visited Kerala, he visited the Catholicos
at Kottayam.
It is notable that the title 'Mar Thoma' traditionally used
the head of the Malankara Church and which was
continued for a while was again added to the titie of the
Catholicos of the East by this Catholicos.
Catholicos consecrated Holy Mooron on April 1, 1977
Old Seminary Chapel. The Malankara Association
meeting at Mavelikkara (May 16, 1977) had elected 5 priests
to be bishops. They were consecrated on 5 May 1978 at
They were Mar Dionysius, Mar Dioscoros,
Mar Polycarpos, Mar Barnabas and Mar Athanasios. The
metropolitan of Kollam, Mathews Mar Coorilos was elected
as successor to the Catholicos and Malankara Metropolitan on
May 1, 1980 at the M.D. Seminary Association.
The 70th Anniversary of the Installation of Catholicate
in Malankara was celebrated in September 1982. The Valedictory function presided over by H. H. Catholicos Patriarch Elia
of the Georgian Orthodox Church, was inaugurated by Mr. Zail
Singh, the then President of India.
Five priests elected by the Malankara Association on
December 28, 1982 at Tiruvalla were consecrated as bishops
on May 15, 1985 at Mavelikara Church. The new bishops were
Mathews Mar Epiphanios, Philipose Mar Eusebios, Thomas
Mar Athanasios, Geevarghese mar Ivanios and Paulose Mar
Milithios. Catholicos Mar Thoma Mathews I consecrated Holy
Mooron on 25 March 1988 at Devalokam Aramana Chapel.
In his old age Catholicos Mar Thoma Mathews I abdicated and entrusted everything to his successor. The new
Catholicos was installed on April 29, 1991 at Parumala by the
Episcopal Synod.
Catholicos Mar Thoma Mathews I, who was leading a
retired life, passed away on 8th November 1996, and was
interred at the Devalokam Aramana Chapel.
Baselios Mar Thoma Mathews II (1991-2006)
The Malankara Association elected Metropolitan Mathews
Mar Coorios as successor to the Catholicos cum Malankara
Metropolitan, in May 1980. The installed new Catholicos was
by the Malankara Synod on 29th April 1991 at Parumala. The
five priests elected by the Association on December 28, 1989
(at Pathanamthitta) to the bishopric were consecrated as
bishops by the new Catholicos on 30th April 1991. They were
Kuriakose Mar Clemis, Job Mar Phioxenos, Zachariah Mar
Anthonios, Mathews Mar Severios and Geevarghese Mar
The Malankara Association at Parumala on Sept 10, 1992
elected Thomas Mar Thimothios of Malabar Diocese as successor
to the Catholicos cum Malankara Metropolitan, and also
elected two priests to be bishops. They were consecrated on
16th August 1993 at Parumala as Poulose Mar Pachomios and
Yakob Mar Iraneus respectively.
The new Church Case which began in 1974, reached the
Court and the final judgement was pronounced on
June 1995. This judgement reconfirmed the authority of
Catholicos and the Church Constitution. This could be
considered as a major victory for the Malankara Church with
the Catholicos as its constitutional and Supreme Authority.
Thus the institution of the Catholicate may be seen as
the symbol of the singular identity, independence and historical
status of the Malankara Church. True to the tradition in
the Orthodox Churches, the Malankara church has its own
constitutional supreme hierarch of the Church, and it need not
depend on any other church or hierarch to fulfil its ecclesiastical
or ministerial requirements. The establishment of the
Catholicate in Malankara is a historical declaration to the entire
Christian world that this is an independent Church founded
by St. Thomas, and that the Nazranis are proud of their
institution and they will jealously guard it from any possible
internal subversions or external onslaughts. Now this Oriental
Orthodox Church can hold its head high among the comity
of churches as the oldest apostolic church in the east.
Baselios Mar Thoma Didimos I
His Holiness was consecrated as Bishop on August 24, 1966 and has been serving as Metropolitan of the Malabar Diocese of the church. He is the seventh Catholicos since the Catholicate of the East was relocated to India and 90th in the lineage of Catholicoi of the East in the Apostolic throne of St. Thomas. He is also the 19th Malankara Metropolitan of the Church.
His Holiness Baselios Marthoma Didimos I was born on 29 October 1921 to Ittyavira Thomas of Mulamootil House in Nedumbram near Thiruvalla and Sosamma of Chiramel House in Mavelikara. He joined the Tabor Dayara in Pathanapuram in 1939 and completed his high school education. He passed his Intermediate from C.M.S College, Kottayam in 1945, his B.A from National College, Tiruchirapalli in 1951, his B.T from Maston Training College, Madras in 1954, and his M.A from Christ Church College, Kanpur in 1961. He completed his training for priesthood under the disciplined guidance of Thoma Mar Dionysius and His Holiness Baselios Oughen, Catholicos of the East. He received from His Holiness Geevarghese II Catholicos of the East the order of Korooyo on 11 March 1942, full deaconship on 22 May 1947 and priesthood on 25 January 1950. He Has served as headmaster of Ponnayya High School, Thiruchirapalli and St. Stephen's High School, Pathanapuram, as Professor of English in St. Stephens College Pathanapuram and President of the Orthodox Youth Movement.
On 16 May 1965 His Holiness Baselios Oughen made him Ramban. The Malankara Syrian Christian Association, which met on 28 December 1965 at M.D Seminary, Kottayam, elected him to the high offer of Metropolitan. On 24 August 1966 at Kolencherry His Holiness Baselios Oughen Bava consecrated him as Metropolitan Thomas Mar Timotheos..
He became the Metropolitan of Malabar on 11 November 1966. He continues to serve as the General Superior of Mount Tabor Dayara and Convent in Pathanapuram. On 10 September 1992, the Malankara Association, which met at Parumala, elected him as successor- designate to the Malankara Metropolitan and Catholicos of the East.
His Holiness started his service to the Church as a monk when he was a teenager. He was called to the monastic life by the late Metropolitan Mar Dionysius of Niranam. He went through a rigorous monastic life that tuned up his body through hard work and his mind through intense discipline and his spirit through spiritual exercise. This writer believes Mor Baselios Didimos I is an exemplification of eastern monastic life. Our tradition of selecting bishops from the monastic ranks has a long history. Unfortunately due to discontinued monastic communities, we could not always select our bishops from thorough-bred ascetics period. Mor Didimos is an exemption to our recently fabricated monasticism as a preparation to receive the episcopate. He has been deeply rooted in his monastic practices and exercises long before he became a priest and a bishop. He has witnessed many late nights during which our new Shepherd kept vigil in the chapel of Mount Tabor Monastery. Yes, indeed the church of Malankara is blessed to be shepherded by a monk of prayer.
Mar Didimos is not just a monk, who is enamored of some primitive practices of monasticism. He is endowed with erudition which he derived from his long career as a student of theology, mathematics and English literature. Prior to his consecration to the episcopate he had been a professional educator holding various positions in the academia. He was a mathematics instructor for many years, and was a high school headmaster for more than a decade. After receiving his post graduate degree in English literature he held his lectureship in English literature when St. Stephen’s college of Pathanapuram came into existence. His Holiness is also rightly credited with his musical skills; his divine liturgies are musically mellifluous to the ears of the participants.
H.H. Baselios MarThoma Paulose II |
Three score years ago in a small village called Mangad near Kunnamkulam was born Paul on 30th Aug 1946 in the ancient Syrian Christian family of Kollannur to K. I. Ipe and Kunjeetty. Paul’s mother hails from the famous family of Pulikkottil and Paul was baptized at St. mary’s orthodox church, pazhanj. Groomed by his parents and grand parents, Paul had his LP and UP education at Mangad schools.
He had his secondary education at Govt. H. S, Pazhanji, Paul moved to the city of Trissur for his pre-university and undergraduate studies at St. Thomas college, Trissur from where Paul passed in flying colours. He had his postgraduate studies in sociology at CMS College, Kottayam.
From his childhood Paul showed keen interest in spiritual matters. His parish church, St. Marys Orthodox church was the nerve centre of his spiritual growth. At the age of 13, he was selected by his parish priest to be vast in the ‘washing of feat’ service celebrated by H G Paulose Mar Severios Metropolitan. This marked a turning point in the life of young Paul when the metropolitan invited him to the priesthood. The influence of his parents especially that of his mother who hails from the famous Pulikkottil family played a great role in moulding his early life. Even from his childhood, he use to learn Syriac chants and prayers and was very keen in attending the church service. Young Paul joined the Orthodox Theological Seminary from where he secured GST and took BD from the Serampore University.
H G the late Yuhanon Mar Severios, Metropolitan of Kochi diocese ordained him as sub deacon at Parumala seminary on 8th April 1972 and as deacon at Sion seminary, Koratty on 31st May 1973. He was ordained as priest by H G the late Yuhanon Mar Severios at Sion Seminary, Koratty on 2nd June 1973. Fr K I Paul celebrated his fist Holy Qurbana at Mar Gregorius Orthodox Chapel Mangad.
Fr Paul served as a model shepherd of St. Marys Orthodox Church Ernakulam, Moolepat Orthodox church Pazhanji, St. Marys Magdalene Convent Adappotty, Kummanmkulam and Medical College Chapel Kottayam. The malankara Syrian Christian association held at MGM Thiruvalla on December 28th 1982 elected Fr Paul as metropolitan. H G the late Mathews Mar Coorilos (later H H Moran Mar Baselius Mar Thoma Mathews II) professed him Ramban on 14 May 1983 at Parumala Seminary. On 15th May 1985 H H Moran Mar Baselius Marthoma Mathews I consecrated Paul ramban as Episcopa with the name Paulose Mar Milithios.
H G Paulose Mar Milithios had the privileged of becoming the first bishop of newly formed Kunnamkulam diociese on 1st August 1985. His Grace was elevated as Metropolitan on 25th Oct 1991. besides shepherding the kunnamkulam dioceses His Grace serves as the president of orthodox Syrian Sunday school association of the east (OSSAE), MBCH Mannapra Vadavucode, Pulikottil Mar Divannasius Bhavan Kottapady. His Grace is the vice president of Mar Gregorios Orthodox Christian Student Movement of India, MMM hospital, Kunnamkulam and manager of M. D. college Pazhanji. His grace has also served as the president of the Orthodox Youth Movement.
The Holy Episcopal synod and the Managing committee nominated His Grace as the successor to the Catholicos of the East and Malankara Metropolitan on 27 Sep 2006. Elevated to the throne of The Catholicos of The East and Malankara Metropolitan on 1 Nov 2010.
Long live the Catholicate!
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